
The Mark Overmars Suicide Cult

Having a look around on the GMC forums I noticed a distinct lack of any form of “Mark Overmars Suicide cult”

I was shocked!

Why hadn’t anyone thought of it before?

Was I the only one?

After all the least we could do to show our support for this great man (and his brilliant program) would be to sacrifice our very own lives.

Why get sold into eternal slavery by continually creating games for a community of irrelevant, single minded and fickle children when you can give your soul directly?

(to those of you with limited mental capacity here’s a recap: I’m making a political statement)


Don’t bother upgrading GM 6 to GM 7 Just Join the cult and

send you soul directly to:

Department of Information and Computing Sciences

Utrecht University

Padualaan 14, De Uithof

PO Box 80.089

3508 TB Utrecht

The Netherlands

What do you think?


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  1. Your absolutely right!
    How dare they try to make money, they should be dirt poor wearing old news-papers for clothing and licking the pavements clean for nutriment!

    Recoup their expenses? Forget that, they should roll around in the dust until the day a rainbow appears and a unicorn comes from the heavens to deliver them from their impecunious existence.

  2. “The people at yo yo take advantage of the creative talents of children and young adults, who receive nothing but “prefabricated fame” only to make the guys at YoYo wealthier and more successful, this, in my opinion, is a deceitful and exploitative process.”

    Yes, how dare they try to make money off advertisements, investors, and registration fees to pay for their servers and improvements to the Game Maker program. They should offer their service for free and not try to recoup their expenses. Doing otherwise is just greedy.

  3. Uhm… slightly disturbing :/

    “The people at yo yo take advantage of the creative talents of children and young adults, who receive nothing but “prefabricated fame” only to make the guys at YoYo wealthier and more successful, this, in my opinion, is a deceitful and exploitative process.”

    Dude, since YoYo came in the picture, our abilities to showcase our games have never been this great. And how do they ‘exploit’ us? They provide a service. It’s not like they’re selling OUR games. I think it’s a great company.

  4. Now this is a Joke of course. I am not suggesting anyone take his or her own life,
    However the topic alludes to some serious concerns I have regarding the industry rapidly forming around the program GM.

    The people at yo yo take advantage of the creative talents of children and young adults, who receive nothing but “prefabricated fame” only to make the guys at YoYo wealthier and more successful, this, in my opinion, is a deceitful and exploitative process.

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