After much delay Issue 11 of GameMakerTech has finally been released.
Traditionally both the MarkUp game development magazine and GMTech have been released within a few days of each other at the start of a month or the end of the preceding month. For March this certainly hasn’t been the case with MarkUp releasing their 12th issue on the rather unusual date of Feb 19th, so it was a true 1 year anniversary issue, and nothing from GMT until now. I expected that GameMakerTech would be out before the end of February so I planned to wait until both were out before reviewing them. Now GMT is out MU has long been forgotten, quite nice to have the releases at different times of the month I think, but with the April issue of GMT well under way it looks like everything will be back to normal next month.
Download GameMakerTech Issue 11 (4.5MB pdf)
GameMakerTech topic at the GMC