GMking’s 6th podcast made its way online today with hosts Danny Eggers and Robin Monks. The production once again featured interesting things from around the Game Maker world. It featured things such as:
- Russell’s Quarterly 5
- GMNews looking at their market
- GMhut
- Suggest Questions for GMTV to give to Sandy
This edition of the Audcast ran for about 8 minutes in length while covering important topics at a reasonable rate. The quality of the Audcast was great!
“‘Internet Service Provider’ Service”? That doesn’t make sence! 😛
It was pretty good – at times seemed a bit werid, with the ‘repetitiveness’ of GMNews’ ISP service, still, I would have liked it to be longer – Makes me want to download an episode of GMTV (haven’t yet done that).
Nice episode mates. Interesting stuff, packed tight with brain food. 🙂
@gamez93 – the GMcast was recorded before the end of January, so we could not confirm or deny any releases on YoYo’s part.
@F1ak3r – Okay, that sounds good. As for your article, thank you for the reminder. I had to do a quick search for ‘F1ak3r’ and I found the article. You sent it to me quite a few months ago, I have just sent you an email regarding it so get back to me.
@gamez93: I’ve softened up to you and MarkUp a lot recently, don’t worry. And I make sure to download every issue of both magazines. After all, it’s free!
On a sidenote, I do believe that an article of mine was scheduled for issue 15. I trust that’s still the case? It’ll provide a great counterpart to my default message box article in MarkUp… =D
It’s like I’ve never said before, “‘Tis better to aid than to whine.”.
@Robin Monks
It seemed strange to mention something like GMHut as one of the main talking points as it is created by someone who is affiliated with GMKing ahead of some other talking points that I feel this didn’t cover. That in addition with what appeared to be a rolling GMKing advert was why I didn’t enjoy this as much as the last one, for example. Correct me if I am wrong but almost every point was related to GMKing, that is how I saw it. I just felt that you could have talked about more pressing matters, like the Comp results that were supposed to be out a few days – just an example.
“GMHut (I believe that is by Revel and he is part of GMKing and GMTV)” – now sponsored by!
GMHut is not a part of GMking. It is not a GMking service.
@F1ak3r – Although I believe you aren’t a massive supporter of GMTech Magazine, Tom does regularly submit content to us. He has had content in the last few issues and coming in issue 15 he has written an article called ‘What YoYo Can Do To Help Forgotten Games and Discouraged Designers’. If you haven’t downloaded any of the previous GMTech issues, try them and you will find something written by him. It is all up to you if you want to.
About the Audcast, unlike the previous ones I listened to this one has a lot of mentioning of GMKing and the services that are affiliated with it. RQ – quick quote from GMB, some other things, then went on to talk about how he is intervieedw in GMTV, GMTV questions for Sandy, GMHut (I believe that is by Revel and he is part of GMKing and GMTV), new GMKing website – I think there was one or two more.
I just thought that there is other news/topics that people would rather hear about than just things that link back to GMKing. Its your podcast, so I guess your free to do what you wish with it.
Final issue? Now I guess we’ll never read your article on casual games, or your review of Iji. =( Oh well, I guess it can’t be helped.
Thank you, and goodbye, Tom Russell. I, and many others, have learnt a lot from you.
Well, it’s kinda hard to talk Game Maker and not mention someone with some connection to some GMking service 😛 And, yeah, takes about 2 days to edit them to release quality.
If you have suggestions for topics for the next GMcast, please send them along to staff @ gmking . org or twitter @gmking ( ).
I enjoyed the podcast, though of course part of that was getting name-dropped.
I’m glad the magazine got such a good response, and I’m sorry that the fifth issue was the final one.
Who are we kidding? The podcast is so monotone and uninteresting that it made me want to listen to some Bob Dylan (who, by the way, is on my list of musical artists never to listen to. Ever.).
Brad did GMhut on his own time, no affiliation at all.
@Connor Wilkins
Monotone? Really? I don’t even know the meaning of the word 🙂