Mark Overmars has posted a Release Candidate of Game Maker 8 online for users to test.

It can be downloaded here (5.47 MB). As with the previous beta version bugs should be posted on the mantis bug tracker.
“This is the RELEASE CANDIDATE of Game Maker 8.0 that is only meant for testing. It will stop working at the end of October 2009. The same applies to all games created with this beta version.”
I can’t wait for it to be published. And I thought gamemaker 7 was good!
it WAS!
That will be completely awesome.
Does anyone know exactly when it come out?
@Steven Doesn’t look like it: “The same applies to all games created with this beta version.” A warning message pops up whenever you save or run the game, as well.
Does anyone know if the gmk files will also stop working? Will they run on a finished and free version of gm8?
Yes, its nice. I working with Windows 7 and have the GM Version 6.1. So it does not work. And I dont like the Version 7.
I hope in this new version it is posible to change the language in german for example. So its easier for me. Not the funktions, but the build-in tutorial and helpfile.
I am curious about the Gamemaker 8. I can not wait.
GM + rotate and scale abilities = Excellent Package
just sample, it’s ok
Game Maker 8 is good
wow, i will not dload this, it expires at october this year! (also, my OS is in RC version to, it expires in july 2010) LOL!
I cant wait!!! xD!
Obviously everyone has the Pro version so that they can test Pro features, same as the other two betas.
I am excited for the release too. Not so much for the beta anymore (since the novelty has worn off) but it was confirmed that I would be eligible for a free upgrade thanks to my recent purchase.
Goes everyone have pro edition of the RC, or does it detect if you’ve got pro?
Nice, can’t wait for full version and the decision that people who bought before 2009 get free upgrade or not. (If not a reduction will be usefull :)).
Now I think it just needs some graphical polish and it will be a really nice package.
I can’t wait for it to be released
@DyO congratulations on posting a series of unnecessary updates. These post and the comments that followed were clearly made when GM8 RC1 was the latest version.