Michel Cassius, former head of xBox in Europe, Middle East and Africa, is a co-founder of and shareholder in YoYo Games Ltd.
These videos were recorded at What’s next for Online Gaming which took place in December 2007. Michel discusses the idea behind YoYo Games, the business model and why he thinks they will succeed.
Fred – you fail at lying. Earlier you told Caniac that your son Nathan used your GMC account to send “a ridiculas request that I obviously would never make” and said “I hear it’s against the rules to use anothers GMC account. But how can you be responsible if your son used your account and you didn’t find out about it until later?”.
You even sent a reply to my message declining you a position at GMB. Or was this your son? Or did I fake this too?
I am happy to let any GMC moderator or administrator access my account to prove that the PMs are genuine. Believe me I do not need to go around picking users to fake messages from when there are people like you around delivering such material straight into my inbox.
Are you a 35 year old professor married with two children today Fred?
What are your thoughts on the previous Blog Post where two of your PMs are posted?
In one you make claims about being a professor at a community college, in the other you make a claim of never being a professor.
Both of those statements can’t be true. In one of them you had to have lied.
So now that it’s been proven that you are a liar, can we continue to call you a liar?
Phil: “Never argue with an idiot. They bring you down to their level and beat you with experience.”
Not once in any of my posts did I say your screen shots were fake. I did however point out that they could be. Are they?
“Earlier you told Caniac that your son Nathan used your GMC account to send “a ridiculas request that I obviously would never make” and said “I hear it’s against the rules to use anothers GMC account. But how can you be responsible if your son used your account and you didn’t find out about it until later?”.”
If this is true, how is it that you failed to release this information before? If it was indeed someone other than myself, why did you lead people on to believe that it was me? Aw, but it is you that fails at lying.
“Believe me I do not need to go around picking users to fake messages from when there are people like you around delivering such material straight into my inbox.”
I don’t know you well enough so I wouldn’t know.
“Are you a 35 year old professor married with two children today Fred?”
I can’t think of a good reason to answer this question. If I say “yes”, you’ll call me a liar. And if I say “no”, you’ll call me a liar. After all, it is the argument you want rather than the answer, right?
I think a lot of people know about the competition going on between our websites (or else you wouldn’t be posting about GMS now would you?). I advise you not to publicly lie about or bash other websites just to get attention. If you wish to write a good article, go ahead. But leave my website out of it.
It could very well be misinterpreted as a hate crime. It seems to me that whenever you run into a conflict or don’t take a liking to someone, you basically flame the heck out of them on your public blog/news site. Very mature indeed. Keep personal issues and conflicts to yourself, that is my opinion.
And screen shots are suppose to prove I’m lying? Anybody can make fake screen shots.
If you check back on the forums, you can see real proof that those screen shots are real. Search the members posts and you can see that the member had that exact post count at that exact period in time. But are those screen shots real? Yes they are. Anybody can make those.
I am not a liar and you cannot prove otherwise. What would I gain from lying to you? Nothing. So ask yourself. Why would I lie? The answer is very simple. I wouldn’t.
What NPT said.
I made no claims of reading your mind, I was commenting purely based on what you said.
The fact that you made that critical comment about News 4, is absolute proof that your original comment was more than just you wondering why.
For you to say otherwise makes you a liar or an idiot. My money is on both.
If I were to to post:
“Frederick, why did you make your original post?
Only idiots, would post such a thing.”
Then I could not simply defend that remark as me just wondering why you made that post. The second criticism is evidence of that. You made a post, followed up with a criticism, and are now defending your original post as “just you wondering” completely neglecting the follow up criticism.
So don’t pull this crap about others reading your mind.
Calling me a liar doesn’t make me a liar. Unless you can prove I lied, stop calling me a liar. I don’t lie. And I also don’t really care if you don’t believe me.
Did you know some people lie? You aren’t convincing anyone that your original intention was not what NPT explained it to be. You are convincing everyone however, that you are a compulsive liar.
Well at least I’m not insulting anyone.
NakedPaulToast. Did you know that if someone makes a post and explains what it means, it means exactly what they explained it to mean? Why argue with it? You’re really only arguing with yourself.
It seems to me that whenever you run into a conflict or don’t take a liking to someone, you basically flame the heck out of them. If you have a mature bone in your body you’ll stop this ridiculous argument.
Seems the discussion has been about your idiotic comments. And no, your first post was not simply you wondering why it hadn’t been posted in 2007, it was being critical of him posting. Thus, the comment comparing it to news 4 posting about a bank robbery 3 years late.
It also should have been obvious that Phil wasn’t aware of it in 2007, and it should have been obvious that many if not all of his regular readers weren’t aware of it. Which appears to be the case.
Now, if you really want to get on topic then you should get back on topic, quit telling others to, while insisting you have the last word.
So what you’re saying is that you can read my mind and understand exactly what I know I meant by my first post? And yet I even explained it? You may think what you want. What am I thinking now? (since you can read minds) *sighs*
On topic:
Why haven’t I seen anything about Michel on YoYo Games website?
You just came back with yet another argumentative comment.
Frederick, as a general rule, if 10/24 comments are yours, there’s something the matter. If you feel that you are in the right, then just don’t respond, because the facts will speak for themselves.
Marvelous.. now can we get back on topic please?
Frederick, buddy – give it a rest.
Every argument you’ve come up with has been upturned.
And don’t come back with another argumentative comment…
No I think you completely misunderstood me.
@My first post. I was merely wondering why it was so late.
@Second post. Just wording my opinion.
@Third post. Thanking Philip (and then was accused of not thanking him — Obviously someone needs to learn how to read)
@Fourth post. Pointing out how Danny ignored the post above his.
@Fifth post. Pointing out a true fact.
@Sixth post. Explaining what I meant by the first post. (but apparently explaining yourself here at GMB is called trolling)
@Seventh post. Explaining the meaning of trolling.
@Eighth post. Explaining that it wasn’t a crap case and exactly what “I rest my case” means.
@Ninth post. Commenting about the video. (and ignoring the completely pointless argumentative post)
Now give it a rest. Like I already explained, I was merely wondering why the post was so late. Since I know (as you can plainly see), I already thanked him in my third reply okay? I think Philip made a good find. There I said it. Now explain how that was negative?
Anyway. Philip. I made the first reply about this video because you seemed disappointed that they weren’t about the video… so, you’re welcome.
I wonder if Mark Overmars has some interview videos floating around YouTube..
Ha Ha!
“I’m not trying to make friends. Did you think I was?”
I was so laughing at that! You just made the rest of my day.
I don’t know what your intentions are. You’re doing a great job of getting a lot of negative attention though. Why would you complain about Phil posting this then go and post it on your blog?
A great way to make friends is to treat people like they are inferior to you. You’re doing a great job.
@James Rhodes Meh..
@Philip Gamble For one, Michel encourages creativity which is one of the major things in gaming.. I like his idea of casual gaming (accessible). “Every day you can change something and make your business get better” He is all for improvement. I couldn’t agree more.
I have not seen this before until Phil posted it. So instead of complaining why not thank the man for informing us.
@Frederick considering the number of views the original videos had on YouTube the vast majority of GMB readers will not have seen it.
I am not claiming this is new or contains any ground breaking information I just thought it was something interesting to share with Game Maker users.
@Elmernite thanks
Never seen it, Nice find!
You’re so funny, you should be on Channel 4.
@Frederick: I suggest you reread that Wikipedia article.
“In Internet slang, a troll is someone who posts controversial, inflammatory, irrelevant or off-topic messages in an online community, such as an online discussion forum, chat room or blog, with the primary intent of provoking other users into an emotional response or of otherwise disrupting normal on-topic discussion“.
Anyone with half a brain can see that your original request for him to post it “back in 2007” was idiocy or trolling. Considering a recent blog article Phil made, I’d say it’s the latter.
Oh 🙁 just logged on and saw the high comment count and thought there must be some interesting discussion about Michel or YoYo Games. How wrong I was.
@Frederick Third!? wtf?
I wasn’t aware of this in 2007 or I would of posted it then.
The term “I rest my case” is a figure of speech meaning that one ends an argument about a certain subject after being proven correct about the subject.
Bit late.
It was a crap case to start with.
If you don’t know what the word means, don’t say it. I was on topic and I wasn’t flaming.
Like I just said I was merely wondering why he had posted it so late.
I rest my case.
@Frederick: Stop trolling Game Maker Blog just because your site is so bad that Phil wrote an article about it here.
@Danny No. Like I just said I was merely wondering why he had posted it so late. But you on the other hand, you’re trying as hard as you can to make me look like I want to be negative. (In case you try too hard.. don’t hurt yourself ^^)
Glad you liked it Elmernite ^^
I’m not trying to make friends. Did you think I was? ^^
Wow Danny, having a hard time reading the post above yours?
Instead of accusing me of complaining, why not read my posts first. I was not complaining. I was merely wondering why the articles were so late.
Oh okay. Cool!
Well thanks for sharing it 😉
Nah… I would probably be too nervous in front of the camera. ^_^
@Philip Gamble, but you post the articles, don’t you? O.o
I don’t think it’s a good idea to post an article you weren’t aware of that is that far back. I’ve already seen that, and I’m guessing most people already have too.
This is the third article you have written that I have seen announcing Game Maker news several years late! I am curious to know why you are doing this. You should have announced this back in 2007.
Imagine Channel 4 News announcing car crashes and bank robberies 3 years late ^_^