RedChu‘s Overbyte Magazine which offers “byte sized content for your byte sized brain” is back with a second issue.
After making a guest appearance at the end of the first issue, which resulted in much confusion amongst those on the YYG forums, NAL is back with a couple of articles including “Why using Game Maker is like having a sexual partner”. This is an interesting and often amusing take on the problems many of us encounter when developing games. In fact it is so good you should download the magazine (left click only) and read it now, even before reading the rest of this post.
Other articles include some suggestions on how to promote games you have developed to ensure as many people as possible get a chance to see the results of many late nights of work, an interview with T-Dub who runs InterViewing the Game Maker Universe as well as plenty of Game Maker game reviews. Reviewed titles include of the interestingly named Bollox (which resulted in some amusement when mentioned in episode 2 of GMTalk…), Overboy’s Cosmosa, and NAL’s Ne Touchez Pas IV which I need to play more. There is also a comic sans traditional Game Maker magazine comic stickmen.
At last. We have a decent, fun, multi-issue Game Maker magazine. Long may it continue.
if (string_count(“penis”,next_issue_text) > 3)
Really. 😐
Otherwise, good work yo. How about some tutorial articles?
The reviews are a bit more toned down. Did you read them? And NAL’s article topic was mainly to blame for the penis overusage.
I don’t like the idea of having my face there, but otherwise – thanks. 🙂
🙂 May they last for a 1,000 episodes…
Multi-issue? I guess but there have only been two. I wish them all the success, but past results have shown that doing 1 or 2 issues doesn’t mean they’ll be here forever.
Gosh, your optimism amazes me!
Oh.. you gave me a reveiew.. thanks 🙂