
indie(Radio) 5 and Game Maker’s Digest 10

Episode 5 of indie(Radio) was hosted by Bret Hudson yesterday evening. In the first half of the show Noel Berry is interviewed and discusses his work with flaspunk including the engines he has released.

Kya Suleyman then joins Bret to discuss the new YoYo Games website, a FlashDevelop beta, Game Maker’s Digest and HTML5 Game Maker.

.mp3 [language warning]


Issue 10 of Game Maker’s Digest features two articles.  The cover leads on a comprehensive interview with Landon Podbielski which covers GameMaker 3D and composing amongst other topics.

There is also an interesting article about YoYo Games titled “We are not a charity”.  The magazine had a “conversation” with YoYo Games staff in which several issues were discussed but I feel that the opportunity to present this was under-used and the article could have been better written.

This is better than the previous issue, there are still plenty “filler” pages but the adverts are gone.  Interestingly this issue is also available in Dutch though via Google Translate apparently so I would expect it to be far from perfect.

Left click only .pdf download

What do you think?


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  1. The GMDigest, “We are not a charity” article is an absolute joke.

    It claims to be a conversation with Fetcher (AKA Ortez) and various YYGs people, but most statements aren’t attributed. Some statements are quoted, many are not. It’s random. Contributing to the misleading quote nightmare is the use of “scare quotes”.

    There is simply no way to determine what was said by sandy, what was paraphrased, or what is editorial opinion.

    Because of this, it is absolutely useless and will only contribute to more confusion and rumours about YYGs and their intentions. Putting it under a page title of “Community Gossip” just further removes any credibility. Is it gossip or an attributed conversation? What can be believed?

    Simply put, Fetcher should not be in the business of communicating with the written word.

    A golden opportunity lost.

  2. Hmmm… I guess GMDigest Issue 10 is an improvement over the last one, but it still looks like it was written by an eleven year old.

    I’m not entirely sure what point was trying to be made in the ‘We are not a charity’ article… on the one hand they were saying that ‘Yoyo has to make money’, and on the other it demonised them for ‘only focusing on the money and not enough on the community’.

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