Half of the games in IndieGames.com’s Top 10 Indie Games of 2010 have been made using Game Maker.
The list, which is cross-platform and contains the well known Minecraft and Super Meat Boy, includes the following Game Maker games:
- Hydorah by Locomalito
- Shoot First by teknopants
- Super Crate Box by Vlambeer
- Desktop Dungeons by Rodain Joubert
- Hero Core by Daniel Remar
Game Maker creation The Oil Blue also made the list of honourable mentions.
Great picks, all amazing games. Whilst I expected a Beau Blyth game to be there I was certain it was going to be Action Fist (I’m rather saddened it wasn’t actually). Apart from that, Hydorah is an insanely great game, most certainly my favourite GM game this year 😀
Totally unrelated, but does anyone know of any GM games in the IGF? I’ve seen Super Crate Box, suteF and Legend of Fae but I’m curious if there are any more.