I have just returned from a short break away to find that several new people have begun commenting on GameMakerBlog, welcome all of you. I have some news to share with you regarding my registration of the Stencyl.org domain name. The inevitable came – I was contacted by Stephen Stencyl’s webmaster and was asked to […] More
Today I registered the Stencyl.org domain name. For those of you who don’t know Stencyl (official site) is an up-and-coming open-source game development and distribution platform – think of it as an open source, and probably better run version of GameMaker. Quite why the creators of open source software neglected to register the .ORG of […] More
When I was using Game Maker in the 4.3 era few people had domain names for their Game Maker ‘team’ or resources sites. Now at the GMC it seems that almost every other gamemaker site has invested in a top level domain. There is still the high number of freewebs sites, and of course those […] More