Yet another of these topics has arisen in the distributing games section of the community, topics in which people relatively new to GameMaker come up with the oh-so-unoriginal idea of making a website to sell GameMaker made games. Their plans are so so well thought through – from the start they know how much commission […] More
pythonpoole stated the obvious in a post at the GMC regarding the pathetic loading times of YoYoGames. Anyone should be able to tell that YoYo is slow at loading because of the sheer amount of content they have on each page. But I thought this was illustrated particularly well in this topic at the GMC […] More
Marketing your site is quite obviously one of the most important aspects of running a website. Put simply, what use is a site without any visitors? The Game Maker Community lets members promote their sites in their forum signatures and by creating a topic about it in the Website Announcements section of the forum. What […] More