Just a quick update on progress with the Game Maker Affiliation Service provided by gamemakerblog.com
There are currently 6 banners in rotation, however only 4 users have placed their code on their site.
Thanks to Jason from GameMakerResource who reported a problem with sites opening in the GMA iframe instead of in a new window, this has now been fixed.
Remember that the service will improve as more people join and actively use it so please help spread the word if you can. Again thanks to Jason who has put a nice link back to GMA on GameMakeResource.
Thanks for your comments. I will try to get something done with the design over the weekend.
I think that some of the reason there isn’t a great deal of people signing up is because there is no site design. I was hesitant because there was no site design there. If you need a hand with anything just let me know. And get that other thing I made you up 😛
Hahaha, that’s what I suggested! lol
Looks like it’s happening now, go GMA! 🙂
But, yeah, design is horrid. http://smarty.php.net would work good for this.
Shouldn’t some site that are out of point be shown anyways, instead of multiple “your ad here” notices? Give them a much lower priority, and show at least one “ad here” before you try to load one of those, but it will at least make for a rotation that at least looks active 🙂