
MarkUp 13 is out

After a false start earlier in the month the April issue of GMKing’s gamemaker development magazine, MarkUp, has been released.

You can download issue 13 here (pdf, 1.9MB)

What do you think?


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  1. @ Eyas, so ‘advanced programmers’ is your overall target market, I’ve never been able to fathom what MarkUp is actually trying to be but I see you’ve now settled on that. The addition of opinionated articles seems a bit odd though, it makes it feel like you’re all wise men, but are always complaining that ‘things ain’t what they used to be….kids these days’ etc. I don’t mind opinions, but I prefer them to be less complainty (I know that’s not a real word!). When I get back into GM proper I’ll study those in depth AI articles as they look fascinating.

  2. Technically, ever since Issue 3 we’ve settled to the theme of advanced programmers, but we approached it from different perspectives (Development Journal, The Making of, Direct tutorial, etc).

    As for opinion articles, I actually oppose the ‘opinion’ written in them most of the times, for instance, I’m a YYG supporter, I’m optimistic about Game Maker’s future, I understand, appreciate, and do not mind the current structure of the GMC and I continue to act that way. But opinion articles about the other opinion need to be provided. The issue is, we don’t seem to provide opinion columns for points of view like mine…

  3. Sure, its a cool advert! 😛

    My expectations of MarkUp in its current shape is very high in most areas, but when it comes to popularity amongs the GMC, I fully realize that the content wouldn’t apply to most programmers, as it has been poitned by Timoi, MarkUp is designed for a “niche market” in the GMC — advanced programmers.

    I want to keep it that way, so the part s of MarkUp you see now arent going anyway, but you might see some additional stuff soon to apply for others as well.

  4. MarkUp seems to be moving more towards being opinion and in-depth development articles based. The dev articles are well written and clearly the writers know what they’re talking about, they would be very useful to advanced programmers.

    The editorial on YYG was essentially telling everyone everything they already knew, I don’t see much point in it to be honest.

    (And yes, the RG advert was my favourite bit)

  5. Yes, I think you need to give a bit more of a range of Game Maker, though you are a predominantly game development magazine.

    Also, I thought that the layout for Issue 13 wasn’t as well organized as Issue 12. I don’t think you have changed it.

  6. Some very sparse but useful stuff in there. But I don’t feel that it is as good of a read comapred to GMT. 🙂

  7. @Justin, hehe thanks.

    @Broxter, the ‘theme’ of the issue was actually very similar to issue 12, but the way the content has been layout was changed to space it out a little. Indeed, while people often ask for whitespace (spacing was actually the #1 requested change by our staff during the time of issue 8 and 9) it does give the magazine a poor look. You will see this revert back to its more organized state in issue 14, hopefully.

  8. Personally, I enjoyed this. It might be just because I enjoy reading, or it may be because I’m not a picky critic when it comes to what I read, but good job!~

  9. It really depends on one’s interests in the end, most GMC members like you are more into detailed game reviews, previews, news about new games, etc. and in that way, we admit that GMTech is far ahead, because we’ve always seen this as the area which they specialize at (though recently we’ve seen a slight shift to a more general scope for GMTech), while we focus on more technical issues.

    The amount of technical articles covered by MarkUp will certainly not change, but you might see addition content that will appeal to people like you in the near future.

  10. Size doesn’t matter, my friend, its how use it… the space, I mean. I think we used the space wisely in putting some very interesting content that appeals to our target segment: AI command stacks, GML coding tips, an intelligent script of the month, etc. So yeah… size.. doesn’t matter 😀

    …. i keep telling that to myself 😛

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