After getting frustrated at a recent conversation (read from bottom to top) on Twitter with Brian Fetcher on the cost of running YoYo Games CEO Sandy Duncan has released details of’s bandwidth usage for the past 6 months.
This is the first time that Sandy has commented on YoYo Games’ finances at the website.
I haven’t been able to work out a reason for the spike in traffic at the end of October/early November but the drop in August can be appointed to over 24 hours of downtime effecting the main site.
The last figures we had previous to this were “upwards of 10TB a month” in June last year. See also YoYo Games record annual loss of £180,000 which Sandy refers to in one of his Tweets.
It would if people weren’t broke all of the sudden and start to resort to game maker cracks… O_O
I’m surprised that GM8’s release didn’t boost the numbers a bit, usually a new release generates a lot more excitement and activity.
He didn’t sound frustrated.
This BrianFetcher guy is a moron.
“I haven’t been able to work out a reason for the spike in traffic at the end of October/early November”
Didn’t they update their website back then?
If you look good to the last graph you can almost see one of the downtimes 😛 (august)