The first in our regular look at games which have recently received a feature at YoYo Games. Some of these are new releases that are quickly identified as high enough quality to deserve the accolade whilst others may have been available on the site for months or even years before being discovered by a moderator who chose to recognise the creator’s dedication.
Assault on Planet Equidon by Frosthart
2DCube is a co-designer of this bizarre My-Little-Pony meets stoned accountant game which starts with a beautifully detailed graphical cut scene.
In a land of purple trees and magical ponies you are the last accountant alive your seeking revenge against equine beings to collect crystals. At over 30MB this is one of the larger games on due to its graphics and ambient music which give the game an air of professionalism. The controls (Z,X,C,[space] and arrow keys) felt awkward and even after a couple of games I still ended up confused and needing to look down at my keyboard.
Ruthless Quest Online by ChoclateSailor
Annoying music and a challenge in the form of an (unskippable) marquee message appear when this fortress themed platformer. The objective is to collect keys to escape a castle and to beat the “Victory Tower”. Once you have beaten the game you receive rewards including a suit apparently enabling you to kill other players.
There is an multiplayer option but I haven’t been able to test it upon a single unsuccessful connection the game simply terminates. I wasn’t particularly impressed but the game has a high rating and positive reviews – perhaps the most enjoyment comes from online play.
Descent by rotten_tater
You don’t want to discover what’s at the bottom of the cave. When curiosity gets the better of you you’ll want to get back up very quickly.
This dark and challenging fast paced platformer features various forms of jumping, ledge grabbing and requires quick thinking and rapid tapping of keys. Simple concept, brilliantly implemented and fun to play.
If you play just one of these games this should be your pick.
O SHI- jack the ripper.
I connected to Ruthless Quest fine. It’s kind of a shame that the game was terrible in every single way.
NessXX should be shot for featuring such an awful game. Seriously.
xD I’m sorry, that had me laughing. Anyway, as I’m not proud of the game, I wouldn’t call it “terrible in every single way”. Obviously, it’s not the best game on Yoyo, nor is it anywhere near that point, but it’s at least a decent fun mmo that many people seem to enjoy.
“NessXX should be shot for featuring such an awful game. Seriously.”
Don’t you think that’s just a little over the top? :3
Sorry about those connection problems. Hosting this game isn’t the easiest thing to do, especially because it’s featured. Also, just a quick little update reminder, I’ll be adding a European server, hosted by UKGameDev. That should help a lot of people into getting a better connection. Unfortunately, people who play on the Europe server will not be able to interact with those on the US server.
Also, I forgot to mention, which I will in the next update. You can skip the intro, just press Shift. Sorry about that -.-‘
Lol, i have featured all the games on the list.
NAL, i have been following RQO from the start (not helped out with programming or anything, that against the rules of bring a mod lol). And i have been playing it for a looong time thats why i featured it. 🙂
Its really fun to play online, playing it single player is boooring.
Anyways, yes i have featured a bunch of games in this month.
Not played AoPE.
I managed to give Ruthless Quest Online a go online when me and a few companions decided to try it altogether. We didn’t get any connection problems, but we probably lasted the best part of five minutes with the game – it got difficult, felt kinda “sticky” to play and just wasn’t that fun or captivating. Having said that, I’ve heard that the person that featured RQo also helped out with it and is good friends with its creator, so… yeah.
And Descent I remember playing rather a while ago. Great stuff.