There have been some delays with the Android release of Mr Karoshi but plenty of press around YoYo Games’ latest iPhone title.
- iPhoneGamerUK have posted a walkthrough of the first 20 Mr Karoshi levels. Though it is the later levels which are the hardest!
- In their review of the game touchArcade are critical of the on-screen buttons used to control the main character.
“unfortunately there is a huge drawback to the game which is the terrible controls. They are among the most unresponsive and finicky controls that I’ve ever encountered on iOS. Due to the puzzle-like nature of the game, they are still serviceable as you don’t always need pinpoint precision to play. But they will still frustrate you to no end. I have uttered curse words I didn’t even know existed because of the poor controls.” -TouchArcade
- YoYo Games are currently holding some mini competitions where “Karoshi prizes” can be won. Find out more on their Facebook or Twitter accounts.
The review on Touch Arcade has been updated. The issue with the unresponsive controls affected only this reviewer, and when he tried the game again later it was suddenly resolved.
Not sure whether it has to do with his iPhone or with Game Maker.
As an update on the second point (the control criticisms), Touch Arcade has updated the review with a footnote mentioning the problems were his side, not Karoshi’s side – now they work properly he has no issues with them.
Edit: Beaten to it 🙂
Hmm… I wonder if I should continue with my video walkthrough of the game. It’s extremely laggy, though. But I guess it would be a little more helpful than stills. Especially the later levels. |:3
Mini comps?! I’ll have to look at em.
Hi it’s Ade from iPhoneGamerUk here and i now have a full 50 Level Walkthrough of Karoshi now on site.Check it out if you really do get stuck on the later levels.Also have a 5 Star review on site as well.Cheers.