See blog post by Sandy.
In the post Sandy also talks about the YoYo Games Store and says that all games published by YoYo so far will also be released on Android in January. Work on Game Maker 8.1 has already begun and more regular updates and bug fixes are promised.
The baseline specs for win32 are limited because YYGs intends to stitch the c++ runner on games they sell on the YYGstore, instead of the current delphi runner. The c++ runner doesn’t have all the implemented functionality of the delphi runner, therefore any games that use unimplemented functions aren’t good candidates for the YYGstore.
@NAL – Say I only wanted my game on PC, would I be allowed all that stuff then?
Considering it’s the windows baseline spec I wouldn’t hold your breath.
Then you do whatever you want and sell it yourself. Hence the reason for Game Maker.
Thanks for your answer 🙂
Any ideas on why multi player isn’t allowed?
M’afraid I don’t. Best thing to do would just be to keep an eye on the glog for updates 🙂
The Win32 Base Line Spec is ridiculous.
Do NOT use external DLLs (except for any we mention above)
– Which means no 39DLL. Wonderful.
Do NOT use any dialog boxes or show_message() type calls – this gives a very bad user experience.
– Point taken they don’t look great, but you can change the sprite that it uses, which makes it a lot more stylish. Is this allowed?
Do NOT use multi-player.
Do NOT use the built in hiscore system to display scores.
– For some people they’ll have to. Why is it such a problem anyway?
Do NOT use the built in help system.
– Why? It’s basically just a wordpad file.
(This post isn’t representing YYG, it’s just me speaking from knowledge that’s publically known)
The built in highscore system can’t be used due to its ties with the Windows registry. You never have to use it; .ini files work, which can be used with data structures to make a perfect copy which just uses .inis instead of the registry.
show_message and the built in help the same, it uses some stuff that’s Windows based (as much as it doesn’t seem so) and isn’t currently compatible with other devices. Again, all of these are completely simulatable with other commands, it’s really not a big deal.
That doesn’t make sense, considering it’s a Win32 spec…
You didn’t say that much about the long post Sandy gave.
No I didn’t.
I doubt they will have the new runner in 8.1. I’d expect they’d leave that till GM9, if they are starting work on it and it is going to be a major rewrite.
They already have much of it done for the iOS games, why not just release the new runner to the public?
We can always hope… but I still think it likely they’ll leave it out of 8.1 and put it in GM9.
Awesome. I want the new runner in 8.1, I will shed tears if that is true.