
YoYo Release Stats

Sandy Duncan from YoYo Games has released some stats on the popularity of their website on his blog.

“The website today gets,on average about 25,000 visitors per day. When you’re here you spend more than 7 minutes on each visit and view more than 8 pages on the website. If I include the “Beta” and “Work in Progress” areas of the site, then more than 15,000 games have been uploaded by more than 7,000 different developers. Almost 5,000 games have been played more than 50 times and the average number of plays is more than 100. In total we’re fast approaching more than 2 Million game plays”

Bold numbers look impressive.

What do you think?


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  1. *I must be turning lame from too much GM bashing. “Provactively” was meant as “proactively” – maybe Ill go get some spelling lessions from mrsmes.

  2. 25k? I thought there would be more lamerz than that.

    GM not so popular is it? GM8? I dont think it will survive past that ver….£10 a pop to produce games that look like they belong on a Megadrive? its main client base are people that play at being software developers and have delusions of making the next xbox360 beating game with it?

    A package where the only person who provactively defends it is a guy that believes that his computer has a mind of its own and is trying to trick him, and that Microsoft want to steal his game.

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