NPT thinks so. He has decent arguments: it uses a deprecated part of the DirectX API — and not even the newest version of it.
Read his full post. He also suggests YYG to make 39DLL an official extension. What do you think? (essential request for comments: check.)
Yep, they should make it an official extension.
Rusky, I disagree. 39DLL is a lot harder to use than Mplay. That’s why I suggested to rewrite Mplay using e.g. 39DLL.
or you could just not use mplay and use 39dll. it’s not that hard.
Delete ’em.
@The topic of this post: Yes. NPT is right. Deprecate Mplay, buy 39DLL. Brilliant idea. If NPT had a position at YYG, maybe it would work better :).
I never really got to into making Online games, i did make a simple chat system for my friends at school, but it wasn’t that good really.
Yes, I do agree with 39DLL being good, maybe Yoyo Games should buy it, but i doubt that they would go to the trouble of it.
And yes, 39DLL, is quite hard to use, compared to Mplay.
I think that maybe they should re-write a few things in GM, D3D needs to be made faster, thats for sure.
But Yoyo could just make there own 39DLL styled feature that could replace Mplay.
There is a lot of things that should be re-written in GM though, but the question is, will Yoyo ever do it?
I have to agree with you – they always seem random.
Mplay should not be deprecated. It should be rewritten (either using the 39DLL or some other way).
I think the guy is absolutely right on the mark.
err, yeah.
Who votes for removing mrsmes’s useless comments?
ok, one word sweet, i like it it’s just what i have always wanted and suggested i can imagine playing the first game of pacman in augumented reality so that is what i meant when i was asking for 5d graphics, wow sweet.
hmm… i am not sure but it sounds interesting.