Last Friday Darren Poole’s GMWeekly magazine did not publish an issue and earlier today Darren confirmed that an issue would not be released today either, instead promising that issue 13 will be released tomorrow as well as a reason for the delay.
Whilst it may widely be considered that releasing a second issue is the biggest hurdle when producing a Game Maker magazine, even successful magazines such as GMTech and MarkUp took 2 months to release their second issue, GMWeekly proved many of its critics wrong by realising 12-weekly issues to (or close to) schedule.
The magazine is different from more traditional Game Maker periodicals as its primary focus is on community news with little focus given to game development advice, although game reviews are now included.
Although I am not superstitious you may care to know that the thirteenth issue of MarkUp was the first of that publication to be released late after a string of 11 back-to-back monthly issues following the pilot edition.
Actual figures are higher as files are mirrored at a different host
See also: Chart of Gamemaker magazine releases
I like GM Weekly because it’s fresh and enjoyable every time! 🙂
Hahaha indeed. And about MarkUp’s second issue, I’d like to make it clear that it was released [almost] on time. April 2 was the target (since noone would take us seriously on April 1) and it was released on april 4 🙂