
RTS + Christian SpeedGame Game Making Competitions

A couple of game making competitions to tell you about this week.

The first is’s Real Time Strategy contest which runs for 3 and a half months and has $350 of prizes.

The goal is to create a Real time strategy game with the following:

  • Your Soldiers (Modern or Medieval)
  • Enemy Soldiers (Modern or Medieval)
  • Food Gatherers (optional)
  • Main refuge (Your Fortress or Castle)
  • Gold Gatherers (so you can pay for resources)
  • Builders (optional)

The game must include at least 2 levels, and 2 difficulties. You may put a level editor in the game as desired (totally optional).  Be creative, we want to see scenery as well. For example: trees, brush, grassy background, etc. You are free to add extra stuff in. Please choose your game play to be simple, yet fun. Also please include a help part in your game explaining exactly how to play (failure to add the help will result in automatic disqualification).

Deadline: 15th September 2009
Prizes: $200, $100, $50

The second contest is the fourth annual SpeedGame contest held by the Christian Developers Network.  The theme is “The Epistle to the Galatians” and games made in any language are accepted (not just Game Maker). Full details, and there is a lot of information, can be found on their website.

Deadline: 27th June 2009
Prizes: Torque3D Professional ($1000 value), iTorque Game Builder – development suite for the iPhone ($500 value) and Torque Game Builder ($250 value), $500 cash plus other cash prizes and vouchers.

What do you think?


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  1. The GMS Competition rules were changed slightly so that there aren’t as many any more. Now more people are joining the competition cause the requirements aren’t as high!

    The goal is to create a Real time strategy game with enemies, structures, and weather. EXTRA points can be rewarded for adding more stuff into the game! (including: Easter eggs, Secrets, and other such things)

    Original/Official Topic:

  2. The prizes for the Christian competition are pretty nice. I might have to take a look at this one, though I do not know much about the theme so that could really set me back.

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