Yesterday a post was made on this site which claimed to show a leaked screenshot of Game Maker 8.
The image supplied was clearly not genuine and I would have thought this would be blatantly obvious to anyone viewing it. Therefore I was extremely disappointed to logon this morning and see that our latest article was about this single image which was no doubt knocked-up in a couple of minutes by a sad attention seeking individual. I am saddened that a GMB author chose to write a post about this which was originally titled “Gamemaker 8.0 Leaked”. This story should not have been written on Game Maker Blog and has now been removed.
“C’mon Game Maker Blog, I expected better from you. This is the type of thing I expected from Scorptek or Recreate, but not from you.
This screenshot is so tiny it can’t be scrutinized properly. Even so, it looks like nothing more than a slightly modded GM7 with the GM8 Beta sprite editor running on top of it.
Having said that, I’m sure your crack reporters are all over rappybas looking for any other GM8 improvements and new features. Can’t wait for the update.”
– NakedPaulToast (comment)
Sorry. Although this story was not written by myself and I was not aware of its existence until 20 hours after it had been made clearly I must accept responsibility for the content produced by contributors to the site. The posting privileges of the member concerned have been suspended.
@Bas Bloem It was so obviously fake I can’t believe it was ever posted here. I should remove everyone else’s posting privileges 😛
True 😛
All I did was add a button and added some different texts.
Just to see how fast(If any) it would be on some announcement or blog etc. xD
It was fun 🙂
I still just love this part.
Lekker Rappy XD
Would be nice if it was actually OUT(I’d like to see more 3D stuff done! – considering the developers would have to fork out for v8).
These stupid jokes are lame and wasting people’s time.
This is just stupid. Who ever posted the screen shot is obviously immature, and seeking attention, which were subconsciously giving them.
@Onnaj: The GM world did not get “pwned”. Something like this is not even worth taking a second look at, also last time I checked the GM world was quite a bit large than 5-10 people.
@Donkey: Yes, the person who pulled this childish immature prank did succeed, for the person succeeded at pulling a childish immature prank. That’s nothing to amount to. Just pathetic, really pathetic.
It’s kind of stupid having a ‘leaked’ photo of a game creation software. We all know what it’s going to look like! 😛
They will probably use some cheesy looking sprite for the buttons… I doubt it’ll be that impressive. But I don’t care anyways! I only care what the program can do, not what it looks like. 😀
@Onnaj Yup, a lot of people were stupid, but you’re the first one to fall low enough to use the word “pwned”.
Just thought I’d get involved, I love stupid internet arguments about meaningless topics 🙂
Oh, and @Phil: How do you go about picking the authors of this blog in the first place? Most of them seem to be great, but I’ve read a few posts that I thought really needed work (I don’t know if they were by the same person or not).
@Onnaj: and its your opinion that the GM world was “pwned”.
@Donkey: I think you answered your own question. Just one person falling for the joke isn’t the GM world, as the term suggests it would be a lot more then just one person. Btw, i didn’t make the blog post.
Some readers believed it, and GameMakerBlog made a mistake. Rappybas made a good joke, but no, The GM world was not pwned. But rappybas didn’t fail 🙂
@Onnaj: The GM world was not “pwned” at all, if anything the GM world laughed at rappybas failing hard.
You didn’t necessarily have to punish the writer of it like that. Sure, he fell for it, but he wasn’t intentionally disgracing the site or anything (oh well, your decision). However, the title was a bit misleading and stirred up too much interest. 😉
@ Onnaj: I don’t think they understand dutch…… :p but maybe mark overmars can come & register :p
This is so funny, we’re talking about it on the chat 😀 with Rappybas 😀
Nice, I agreed with NPT as well. If it had been posted as a fake image it might not have been as bad. But it did seem as though the author (I cannot even remember who it was) thought it might be true.
I knew it was fake -.-“
more people felt for it, and its indeed my opinion, and therefore you have no reason to say to me its different.
It was still funny to see how the blogpost “GM 8.0 leaked” was on quite alot of RSS’ feeders for 24 hours long whahaha xD
and Chronic:
Why would Rappybas be failing?
He actually succeeded in making you guys think(actually just one writer) that GM 8.0 leaked and you made a blog post with some tiny screenshot which was clearly fake.
Think again who failed, rappybas pulled of a joke and one GMB writer fellt for it and posted a news bulletin.
or maybe you got some better arguments?
@Chronic: thats YOUR opinion.
@TB: good point, but the most there can also speak english.
Mark Overmars is too busy with dealing with Yoyogames and GM8 right now, so he won’t think about it to come.
if someone wants to speak to rappy, register here –
alot of times is he there.
i agree with u Donkey, you sound like a realy smart one.
i realy like this becaus the GM world just got pwned XD
RAPPYBAS, this was gold my friend XD
I agree too, I made the fake.
In 12 minutes it was on the news page already.