YoYo Games have revealed the “Base Line Spec” to which games submitted to the YoYo Game Store must comply.
There is a comprehensive list of features supported and those which are unavailable for Game Maker games to be able to run on iOS.
A few quick points:
- Game Center support
- “No support for cameras, compass, retina, tilt, push notifications, in app purchase etc.; these will come, but not available just yet.”
- 3D support is not yet present
- Interestingly, “minimising script use will significantly improve performance.”
- Games must be made in Game Maker 8 or Game Maker for Mac (despite the unreleased Game Store allowing games made using GM6 and 7)
- YoYo Games splash screen shown before the game
It was certainly NOT my intention to “piss” anyone off. I was asking a valid question as it appeared to initially be saying that as v7 is what the mac users have they wouldn’t be able to get on board.
It’s just like releasing GM7 for Mac – pretty pointless when GM8 is the de-facto.
Why stop people from using the latest technology? YoYo always seem to be a couple of years behind current technology.
By the time any games come out, most other app store games will have been upgraded for the Retina display if they’re in development.
If YoYo can’t let users have push notifications or compass, don’t approach Apple devices. It’s so obvious then that they’re porting GM games for the end user because it plays just like a keyboard-needy pixelated game without the things you expect in something written properly for iOS like such notifications.
Honestly, I do wish them success with this. But I hate to see people come and comment so positively when capitalism is so hard on people. In the app store, only the great games go to the top. With 100,000+ apps, the junk is never seen and fades into non-existance. No matter how good the original game is, a rubbish port just won’t make it.
They released GM4Mac as ‘7’ instead of ‘8’ because they started working on it before GM8 was released. Read comment #3.
As on some other points, maybe it’s not working (good enough) yet? Presumably surfaces are already working, but not fast enough yet.
Next time, you could -instead of pissing of YoYo Games-, consider that this whole PROGRESS is WORK IN PROGRESS: They’re not finished yet ._.
What TV and Fenyx said.
Yay! Now I can start work proper!
Strangely, the most informative parts of this announcement were in regard to the script use and the 512*512 icons…
I can start work now properly now.
GM for Mac is allowed too.
So the statement MUST use game maker 8 leaves out all Apple customers as you have not supplied GM 8 for us? Bit ironic… Or are you going to upgrade us to version 8 as well?
Mike R
I just read that now. Still I would like the same features as the windows users so I can at least try and learn from some of the more recent snippets on the forums. Perhaps the ability for the mac version to at least open up files made in gm8.
I’m pretty certain it has been stated somewhere by YYG that the next version of Game Maker will bring the Mac and PC versions inline with each other.