Game Maker consider going Open Source (well maybe one day). Don’t think this will happen with the incompetence shown by YoYoGame so far, but you never know. A move away from registration based income to advertising revenue would obviously need to happen here but it would, if it happens, help increase the popularity of GameMaker […] More
Scorptek’s Game Maker news blog appears to be dead, or at the very least dieing. Starting in March 2006 the blog has so far had a total of 161 posts, however the latest post on the 2nd September was the only post for that month. A little over a week ago I followed the instructions […] More
I have just returned from a short break away to find that several new people have begun commenting on GameMakerBlog, welcome all of you. I have some news to share with you regarding my registration of the domain name. The inevitable came – I was contacted by Stephen Stencyl’s webmaster and was asked to […] More
Today I registered the domain name. For those of you who don’t know Stencyl (official site) is an up-and-coming open-source game development and distribution platform – think of it as an open source, and probably better run version of GameMaker. Quite why the creators of open source software neglected to register the .ORG of […] More