Despite all the delays along the way it looks like the first real episode will soon be available to watch. Several months late with lots of missed deadlines it is hardly likely to take the Game Maker world by storm but it’s nice to see that Danny has stuck at his idea despite all the negative comments he has received. Of course, we won’t know for certain until the first episode gets out, but I don’t think we should write off the show right now.
Here are some adverts which will apparently appear in the elusive first episode:
We got a domain (Not releasing yet, as the site is not complete). We have a custom flv player, so (sorry) you guys cant sneak into vimeo and watch our videos. As soon as im complete the site (We are getting rid of cutenews), Episode one will be out.
Eyas if you’d like advertising contact me at either my personal or MSN which are both: deggers01 [nospam]
Dan Eggers
Go get over you being called a “wussy filterer”, Benny boy.
tuntis, you were banned for breaking the rules. Get over it.
yeah i somehow guessed from his appearance, wussy filter
Incase any of you are wondering, the guy in the GM Tech advert is bendodge, from gmnews, he recently join the team.
@tuntis – Why do you always need to be rude, if you dont like something, why dont you think of a better way to say, i wont be surpised if you are a little boy that gets picked on at school or whatever, and takes his anger out on people over the net. Grow up! – I didn’t want to say anything to you, but I have had enough, and if you having something to say, say it like a normal person.
Hmm.. how much do I pay you for a mean anti-competitive MarkUp ad.. I wonder 😀 hehe
And Phil.. you have a ‘recordo-genic’ voice, seriously. If computing never works out for you in the future, then just record ads, trust me it’ll work 😀