Following the discontinuation of the magazine, Darren Poole has launched a new blog, as promised:
I may very well turn KwikLook into a blog, so if you care, watch out for that.
Currently featuring 2 posts and an irritating all-bold font selection, the blog is off to a nice start.
Me? At this point, I’m wondering whether the name is Kwiklook or KwikLook.
Because it helps people connect the product to Game Maker more helpfully? If you’d ask a random Game Maker user what “Kwiklook” is, they couldn’t probably even guess – but with a simple name such as “GameMaker Blog”, it’s immediately noticeable that it’s a blog about Game Maker.
Seeing the dedication the creator of Kwiklook already shares for his new project, I doubt it’ll last very long:
Join the club, then.
I wonder why most of us feel the need to put GM in front of anything GM related. It’s almost kind of pathetic. Now I’m considering changing some names. 😉
Even Phil is a culprit :P. But I think it’s okay for this blog, actually.
I did not say I didn’t have any part in this repetitive style of GM[insert service], and I contributed to naming at least one, GMDI. I did not give GM Interviews it’s original name, though I’m just as guilty because I didn’t change it either.
All I was saying that, name wise, KwikLook is a breath of fresh air. I know this probably should not come from me, but you have to agree 😉
I like it.
And, yeah, GM[insert service] does get a bit repetitive. Ironic that LarsonCreativity should mention that :D.
It’s memorable if anything, and it’s much better than having GM in front of everything.
Like Game Maker Interviews?
Well, their logo says “KwikLook”
eww, get a new theme, that one looks bad.