Joshua Pedroza and SnowCream hosted today’s slightly chaotic episode of Game Maker Live. For the first time the show started late due to technical problems that occurred as usual producer Jonathan Martin was not involved in the broadcast.
The show revealed that:
- A Chrome port of Revel’s Game Maker Community browser extension is “coming along very well”
- GMIndie Magazine has eight people working on it
- Jonathan does a good job when he produces the show
The next show will take place in two weeks – Saturday 23rd January.
Listener peak: 9
Listen again (quite quiet sorry): [audio:]
Right click to download (53.3MB)
The main things wrong with this episode, was easily having Hardcoregamer on the show – I really hated hearing his voice…
Otherwise, I liked the clarity of this episode.
I hate listening to these shows. It seems like they cant even get a full sentence out without pausing for 20 seconds due to technical difficulties, talking about “how to contact them”, fiddling around on the computer, or simply not knowing what to talk about.
Not to mention, they seem to talk about the same thing over and over just to pass the time when they aren’t talking about technical difficulties.
You may be thinking, “then don’t listen if its so bad”
They always have great content and they seemed to have gotten better streaming quality (maybe because Josh streamed it this time). The actual show is great, its just presented extremely poorly.
Yeah, I streamed this time. However, I had a delay going through my head which is why I was pausing. Also, this was SnowCreams first time, and no one else was able to make it.
We all know it. Jonathan happens to be a good producer.
Isn’t this suppose to be GMLive Show 6?
Lol @Intro..
Haha also thanks for saying im need to be there.