The forums (not to be confused with the official Game Maker Community) has never had a particularly good reputation amongst the more-mature sections of Game Maker users.
So when I came across this topic on an issue regarding race I wasn’t all that surprised. What I was disappointed to see though was that the moderators have had to resort to “virtually locking” posts as their moderation tools are broken.
An upgrade to the YoYo Games website over a month ago had the side effect of essentially preventing these volunteers keep the forum under control.
For starters the button used to alert a moderator to an offending post does not work. It looks like it works but moderators are unable to view the reported topics. So, as I had done a few days previously, I resorted to the option of PMing a link to the offending topic to someone with the powers to remove it. It wasn’t removed although I am lead to believe that the ‘delete a post’ button is one of the few moderation tools that continues to work.
A recent post by former moderator NAL in response to a topic questioning the ‘virtual locking’ system revealed some of the limitations that moderators face: “[topic] titles can’t be changed, and they can’t be locked, stickied, unstickied, unlocked or moved”. A senior moderator at the forums told GameMaker Blog that they have been asking YoYo Games to fix the tools for “some time now” but have not yet received a satisfactory response.
As regular readers may know I am not the biggest fan of the YoYoGames forums, although I have probably been making more posts there than at the GMC over the past week or so, but I find it incredible that a forum populated mainly by minors has so few working controls in place.
Was I the last person to post here?
Damn I’m bored…
Damn, I forget.
I get confused since the name can be applied to both men and women.
Anyway, My suggestion is that you don’t make your assumption over a few users apply to the whole forum. And that if I got on a proxy and started trolling the hell out of GMC, it would get a low reputation. And by sandy putting the old new stupid smiling gamemaker logo up, he attracted a lot of trolls, and some still remain.
She? Sandy’s a man…
I have given up on the Yo Yo Game Web Site. The Comments from the communtity range from vulgar to out right insane. The Site speaks of values that are clearly within “family values” regarding the fact that children are a large part of the Game Maker audience. Yet….You have no control allowed when inflammatory posts are submitted to a game submission. YoYo Games ignore any requests to remove the post.
The YoYo Game website will be the death of Game Maker, Not Game Maker. It is truely unprofessional, out of touch and truely lacking in management and direction.
You might be a good marketing guy…..
But….you need some help in basic management personel or skills.
Get it together !!!
The GM community is just pathetic….I DON’T SEE THIS with the RPG MAKER
A few rotten apple can spoil the whole barrel….Didin’t your Grandparents
teach you this ???? Mate….you should have listened !!!!!!!!
What do you think sandy expected to ATTRACT when she put that stupid smily face up, trolls!
That’s what!
Poor YYG mods…
After looking at the forums for the first time in about a year or so, that’s all I can say.
I’m enjoying this, you complain about the state of the forums and you have a little flame war in the comments section.
@Valhala: “YYGF is the best forums… relaxed and not really professional.”
I don’t really think they’re the /best/ forums, but what he said was that they’re relaxed, and that’s their major redeeming quality in my opinion.
@Manyquestions Oh, okay. That makes sense. 🙂
I believe he said is was more relaxed, so would you therefore say that he doesn’t have a point?
@Frederick. As far as I know there was no such agreement among the members. The admins dictated the end of /political and religious/ debates, but not debates in general.
@True Valhala. There’s definitely something to be said for the quality of the GMC, and the . . . lack of quality in many Yoyo topics, but moko has a point that it’s far less relaxed.
@xot. You lucky b******.
You obviously have not been to the GMC. Prepare to have your standards renewed.
I find the GMC to be too controlled and professional.
C’mon, give us minors some more credit. I’m sure you weren’t a total idiot in your teens. Neither are we.
YYGF is the best forums… relaxed and not really professional. Sure the moderation may be erred but the admins and mods are respected and whenever they say to close a topic.
Great sense of community
Hey I thought the members of YoYo Games forums agreed they weren’t going to be posting any more debates. I didn’t even make it to page 2 of the General Discussion forum when I found a debate topic. Come on people, don’t make promises you can’t keep! <_<
I think we all know where this is going…
@Nessxx Also some members need warning too 😛
Yes, these are dark times indeed.
Side note: I now officially hate Beast and will never understand the admins’ affinity for it. . .
when the yyg dev fix it.
I’m so glad I’m not a moderator over there.
Where did I say anything about moderators? Oh that’s right, I didn’t!
Sandy has done the same thing by the way. And he’s the one that owns the site ^^ That’s kind of lousy. He should at least say thank you instead of asking me to contact him at his other email address. He reads it either way so it doesn’t make a difference one way or the other.
“Lazy Butts”?
The YYG moderators can’t do anything about it right now. It’s up to the actual site developers to fix it. You’re confusing staff members of the site from actual workers at YYG – very seldom do they cross paths.
It’s full of errors is what it is. You can’t even edit your own topic title or review title.
What I find funny is the staffs lack of common sense. “Did you report it to YYG staff Fred?” – YYG Staff. “But you’re staff right?” – Frederick. Please, please get up off your lazy butts and fix the problem before it gets worse!
Haha, they’ll never fix their forum. It’s been worsening over the past few weeks. YYG, if you don’t do anything people are going to lose interest and leave.
Great article Philip Gamble.
YYG forums suck. I think I’ve only posted there once, but people just…talk about crap no one else wants to know about.