Mike Dailly has written a post on his personal blog looking back at 2010 and forward to 2011 with regards to Game Maker.
In the post he reveals:
- That YoYo Games’ free solitaire app for iPhone and iPod was downloaded 75,000 times on Christmas day alone
- That the iOS port was written in less than a month
- That Game Maker 8.1 will have a zoom option in the room editor (finally!)
- Drawing code will be sped up
- On Twitter he also suggested that “++” and “– –” operators could also be added.
Finally at least a little improvement to that dinosaur of an editor! It hasn’t changed since GameMaker version 4 for crying out loud, and is way overdue for a complete overhaul! What about picking multi-tile tile-brush from within the room or the tileset, or moving/manipulating chunks of tiles? Tile flips?! Tile draw-modes?! Ability to swap tilesets without re-building the room? We get NONE of that?
Damnit – it still looks like I’ll have to write my own room editor after all.
I can’t remember him saying “drawing code will be sped up”. What he DID say was that the source code of the ROOM EDITOR will be sped up. If you fill a large room with many small tiles, you’ll notice a lot of lag when scrolling in the room editor. I believe this is what is meant to be sped up. This has nothing to do with execution speed of GML drawing functions.
No more lagging in the code editor? Sounds cool.
Any chance you could provide a link to that Tweet?
Sorry originally read it on my phone and didn’t have a link, found and added it now.