Since this video was made I quizzed Mike Dailly on the absence of the “Publish your game” option and he has stated that this functionality will be added back in.
A list of bug fixes can be found in the Game Maker 8.x changelog.
Transcript follows
“Opening up Game Maker 8.1 one of the first things you may come across is the automatic updater. This has has just popped up alongside a warning to beta testers. The updater lists all the changes that have been made to Game Maker since the last version Upgrading is very easy – providing your antivirus software doesn’t detect the new version as a virus and remove it!
When you first open Game Maker 8.1 you are met with the new larger Game Maker news screen. It displays the same information as before.
On the background you’ll notice that the Game Maker text has gone.
There is also a new Game Maker Tech News blog.
I have open the final example GMK file from the 1945 tutorial. I’m using the lite version and as you can hopefully see the new room editor buttons that control the zoom are disabled. You are also not able to pan around the room as you can do in Game Maker Standard. More significantly. The “Create Executable” and “Publish Your Game” options are disabled.
However if you hit [F5] the game runs. It does this by opening a temporary executable file generated by Game Maker which can easily be located and copied. If you think that this will let you distribute an EXE of your game you are mistaken. A message reading “LITE .exe has expired” pops up when you try to open the file.
So now I’ll upgrade to Game Maker Standard and show you the differences. Upgrades are handled via the YoYo Games store but I already have a key so I’ll just go ahead and enter it.
Instantly the disabled options become available.
Now we’ve got that all sorted lets take a look at the improvements that have been made to Game Maker. We’ll start in the room editor with the zoom function controllable by these toolbar buttons and also the mouse scroll wheel. There’s also the ability to pan around the room which you can activate by pressing and holding the middle mouse button.
The right click priorities have changed. In Game Maker 8 right clicking on an object deletes it. Now it brings up a context menu. There’s a new “Edit Object” option on this list which opens up the Object Properties window. To delete an object the shortcut is [Ctrl]+Right Click
The script editor now supports block indenting so selecting a portion of code and then pressing [tab] will not delete it but will indent it, and reverse indent is [Shift]+[Tab]
Renaming resources now uses the standard [F2] shortcut instead of [Ctrl]+[R]
Adding a piece of GML code as an action for an object event normally results in ‘Execute a Piece of Code’ appearing in the action window. However you can change this to something more descriptive by placing a comment prefixed by three forward-slash characters on the first line of the script.”
Grid looks like it becomes unaligned at closeup zoom…
Should be fine.
Also, What has happened to Mark Overmars?
Hmm, I hadn’t seen that named code actions had been added, nice 🙂
Why’d they disable compiling executables for lite users? 🙁
I’m also really interested to see if the “fix” for preventing lite users from copying a temp file and using that also potentially fixes the debug mode issues.
I’m now actually interested in getting a hold of GM8.1 when YYG releases it.
I would love to see Photoshop keyboard/mouse shortcuts for zoom/pan operations in the room editor.
I was thinking the same thing!
Norton tries to remove just about anything that has only been downloaded a few times. After a few people download a GM update, and Norton decides its safe it should stop bothering people about it. Copying and pasting a download to a folder outside of the download folder usually stops Norton from deleting stuff, however in the case of GM the update is most likely automatically executed by GM when it’s downloaded, so you would have to disable Norton.
How do you guys get a picture to show up by your name?
Create an account at and you’ll have an avatar that will automatically appear in many, many blogs.
Did anyone else notice the Norton popup saying a security threat has been detected after installation? I don’t use Norton, but I think we’ll have some complaints.
Without explicitly disabling this Game Maker 8.1 and every exe file it creates are automatically removed.
That’s what you get for installing crap-ware on your system. 😛
I also have a wallpaper bearing Lewis Hamilton, Phil. 😀
It’s actually Button but prob can’t tell given the poor resolution of the video 😉 Previously it was Heikki extinguishing his car and before that an one featuring Mark Webber flying.
Oh yeah, silly me. Forgot to check the helmet colour. After the Korean race, I had one where Mark Webber’s car was covered in dirt. ^_^
Hey. What about the new Game Maker Tech News blog ? 🙂
Well this is it:
It’s not their only blog:
Spoilers! Don’t watch it 😉