YoYo Games announced yesterday future support for Windows Phone 8 would be added into GameMaker: Studio.
The compatibility will be added later this year when the device is available to the public.
“We are thrilled to be working closely with Microsoft to launch GameMaker: Studio for Windows 8 and Windows Phone 8,” Sandy Duncan said, YoYo CEO.
YoYo have reportedly been “working closely with Microsoft” to allow for early compatibility.
John Richards, senior director, Windows Apps Marketing, said he was “looking forward to expanding the Windows 8 development community”.
In the same announcement, YoYo also revealed that support for the latest version of Microsoft’s operating system, Windows 8, would also be added into Studio before October 26 this year.
Mark Overmars, the original developer of GameMaker (now part of YoYo’s board and Executive Management Team) had earlier tweeted: “Hopefully this week will be more exciting for GameMaker users than the previous one!”
For many developers waiting on news about how YoYo will respond to Microsoft’s recent product releases, the week has been nothing short of exciting.