A demo of Death Ray Mantra (DRM) has been published to Steam Workshop for GameMaker: Studio along with a free pack containing all of the resources used in the game. The game has recently gained exposure after inclusion in the Deep Space Edition of Bundle in a Box.
DRM isn’t the only new addition to Steam Workshop. Other games of note are Blak, a first-person shooter demo, and War Nose, an arcade-style shooter.
YoYo Games have confirmed that everyone who purchases or upgrades to the Master Edition of GameMaker: Studio by the end of October will receive future modules free of charge. This announcements follows news that YoYo Games plan to add exporters for Windows 8 and Windows 8 Phone to GameMaker before the end of the year.
The Master edition upgrades are great use. Though I don’t really think Windows 8 Phones are really all that viable to develop for just now. Having the option without expending another £125 is a nice gesture.
Made the upgrade, hoping they add support for PSN and unlock PS Vita/PS3, but I realize that may be beyond the small team at the moment. The fact they were working on PS gives me hope, though.
And Coggy! Don’t forget Coggy!
Shameless haha 🙂