
Unraveling the Threads of Version Control and How to Git



Imagine you’re a tailor, and you’re tasked with creating a magnificent tapestry. You start with a simple design, a base fabric, if you will. As you progress, you add more threads, colors, and patterns, each representing a new feature or improvement. But what if you make a mistake? Or what if you want to try a new design but aren’t sure if it will work? You wouldn’t want to undo all your work, would you? This is where a Version Control System (VCS) comes into play in the world of software development.

What is a Version Control System?

A VCS is like a magical loom for your code. It allows you to weave your code, thread by thread, while keeping track of each addition or modification. If you make a mistake or want to try something new, you can always revert to a previous state, just like undoing a stitch in your tapestry. It’s like having a time machine that lets you go back to any point in your project’s history, allowing you to experiment without fear of losing your work.

SVN vs Git: The Centralized vs Distributed Debate

In the realm of VCS, two names often come up: Subversion (SVN) and Git. Imagine SVN as a monarchy. There’s a single, central tapestry (the server), and all the tailors (programmers) work on their own copies of it. All changes are made to this central tapestry. On the other hand, Git is like a cooperative of tailors. Instead of a single tapestry, each tailor has their own, and they can share and merge their work as they please. This allows for greater flexibility and collaboration.

Why Git and GitHub?

While both SVN and Git have their merits, Git has become the de facto VCS for developers worldwide. One of the reasons for this is GitHub, a web-based hosting service for Git repositories. It’s like a grand exhibition where all the tailors can display their tapestries, collaborate with others, and even borrow and build upon each other’s designs.

GameMaker Studio 2 and Git

Now, let’s talk about GameMaker Studio 2 (GMS2). GMS2 is a game development engine that allows you to create games using a simple drag-and-drop interface or its own programming language, GML. One of the great features of GMS2 is its built-in support for Git. It’s like having a magical loom built right into your tailoring toolkit.

Setting up Git in GMS2 is as simple as providing your Git account details in the GMS2 Preferences. Once you’ve done that, you can enable source control for your project, giving you access to the Source Control menu. From here, you can create a project repository, import your project into an external repository, or clone an existing repository.

Checking In

Using a Version Control System like Git in your game development process, especially when using GameMaker Studio 2, is not only beneficial but also essential. It allows you to keep track of your changes, collaborate with others, and even revert to previous versions of your project if needed. So, if you’re not already using Git with GMS2, it’s high time you start. After all, every tailor needs a good loom.

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