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Game Maker Magazine

Another new Game Maker Magazine has been launched. Yep that’s its name “Game Maker Magazine”. (gmc link)

Whilst GameMakerTech have to hold a caption competition to come up with a snappy slogan Game Maker Magazine has one from the start: “The Information you need to know, today“. Almost as good as the magazine name I’m sure you agree.

It’s isn’t as bad as gnazine [1] [2], but telling people that they need Adobe Reader in order to read the magazine on page 2 of the magazine suggests that this is another rushed attempt to have GMC fame.

Previewing his own game on page 3 Mattthew_H, the President of Instant Arts, is the one and only contributor to this issue.

The wordsearch on page 4 is a highlight. There are no letters in the grid!

script”s“, “help”s” and an Empire Earth 3 review, oh dear…

On YoYoGames:

So you might get some new things with GM8 but remember that YoYoGames has Gamemaker to deal with,, GM registrations (as well with Softwarp) and about a million other things, by the way they aren’t the richest company either why do you thing that now has advertisement’s all over it?

Shock horror! A software company has to develop its software, maintain its website and handle registrations? As for the ads – hmmm, what do you think?

What do you think?


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  1. Issue 3 will have no typos and beter articles as I am joining the GMM Team, so stop bad-mouthing the magazine.

  2. I’ve read it. From what I can tell it has more spelling mistakes in one issue the GMTech and Markup have had in all of their issues put together. It needs to be alot better to compete with them.

  3. Hello everyone,
    (here’s the thing I’m not sure if I’m aloud to post here)
    now i am the creator of GMM and this was the first issue it was more of a test i guess to see what type of a turn out it would get before i make issue two but anyway I’m making issue two and yes this will be allot better than the first with more GM content.

    @GMTech: what do you mean I signed up for a job?
    are you sure it was me?


  4. @tuntis: I would like to see your review of the magazine.

    Me and gmjab worked out that this guy recently applied to join GMTech (about three days ago) and was rejected, and now he has a magazine out, so either he spent two days on it, or who only applied to try and still some of our content.

    I am surpised that he even tried to get away with working on both.

  5. The magazine’s footer is slightly funny too;

    This Magazine is subjected to copyright. All rights reserved Instant Arts© 2003-2008.
    By opening this Magazine/reading it you are signing an agreement that you will not copy or steel any portion of this magazine with out a full approval form the CEO & President of Instant Arts©. is you do take any portion
    of this magazine with out prober approval from instant arts© CEO o and president you will be prosecuted at the maximum penalties under the law

  6. Although the reason the ads are there is obvious, it’s funny they didn’t even blacklist competing game making suites from the AdSense control panel.

    [ tuntisnote: why is this in a completely unrelated post? :S ]

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