Mike Dailly has taken a look at the Game Maker suggestions list compiled by BBGaming and Rusky and has written a commentary about some of the ideas on his personal blog. Both IDE usability and functionality/performance issues are included in the suggestions.
There are way too many points to address here and the long list will take some time to digest. Hopefully I have picked out some of the more interesting ones and those which we will see sooner rather than later to summarise below:
- Runner format will be changed “making it harder to decompile” before Game Maker 9
- Eventually bytecode generation at build time
- Tabbed editor interface
- Ability to bypass D&D actions in object editor and instead use GML directly
- D&D -> GML conversion is hinted at
- Major room editor overhaul (zoom, group selection, ability to set some instance data from this view, layers)
- Default script argument values
- Split GMK files (useful for team project version control)
- Total rewrite of networking
- Native OS dialog boxes
On many points Mike reiterates that a final decision has not yet been made and that discussion both at YoYo and with the development community will be needed before making major changes.
i was really worried when i saw peoples suggestions on gmc. but the above list sounds great.
one version of gm to compile to multiple formats would make this uk dev use gm alot more.:)
“# Total rewrite of networking”
I’m looking most forward to the new runner.
This isn’t our internal list, but the current suggestions from the GMC (http://gmc.yoyogames.com/index.php?showtopic=488894). BBGaming and Rusky appear to have made it.
My apologies, I presumed “Russell” as the file owner was Russell Kay when it must have been Rusky.
I have updated the post to reflect this.
More than speed I need less memory usage for sprites… and second question is why reading byte-by-byte image from disk by 39dll and then saving it to another file byte-by-byte is 100x times faster than loading the same image to GM during gameplay? Loading time and memory usage for sprites is #1 to fix in GM 8.1 for me. Other problems can be ommited by proper tips & tricks for advanced GM user.
Room zooming would be extremely helpful. It is pretty tough sometimes to find a certain place in a large room if you are placing objects manually.
eagerly waiting for Game maker 9..
What Game Maker 9 only features are you looking forward to?