The first issue of indie(Magazine) was released at the start of the week. Much of the content is similar to that included in the recent first indie(radio) show. As I am aware this is the first Game Maker magazine to publish an issue in 2011, this is in contrast to the large numbers we have seen in recent years. Magazine editor Bret has stated that new issues will appear either weekly or fortnightly. I think most readers would prefer a less frequently released higher quality publication.
NakedPaulToast has started a debate at the Game Maker Community regarding the pricing of Game Maker for Mac. The price was raised to $39.99 at the start of June when the price of GameMaker 8.1 Standard was increased. However the Mac version is based on the significantly slower Game Maker 7 and NakedPaulToast believes that it has been neglected and therefore should not have increased in price.
On Sunday GameMaker developer Mike Dailly blogged about how GameMaker’s “precise collision” detection works and explained its inefficiencies and why use of it should be avoided wherever possible.
Hmmm… it would appear that the indie(Function) website is down at the moment…
Yes, it’s giving out random “Internal Server Error”s for every other person that visits the site. My web host is investigating right now…
I keep pestering Mike to update the collision system. I figure sooner or later he’s going to run out of other things to fix!