I was pleasantly surprised and impressed to see that GMC member Dinsdale has made use of YouTube to deliver a trailer for his Lander Remix game. The 1 minuite trailer has been viewed around 20 times, and shows a useful and modern promotional technique that can be used to promote games.
I expect that most, if not all, of the views came from the GMC so the audience reach is probably no wider – however by embracing the growth of user generated content sites such as YouTube from almost nothing a couple of years ago, Dinsdale manages to demonstrate his game.
There was however, as is inevitable, a let down. Firstly the trailer did not include any sound despite the fact that the game, which I downloaded because of the trailer, does. If in-game sounds could not be recorded using the software which was used to record the visual aspect of the game then a musical overlay could easily have been added in Windows Movie Maker.
The trailer also failed to include any real information about the game – ideally the game’s name would have been shown, and a download URL could have been included. Features of the games could also appear as overlays to encourage people to go and get the game rather that watching what is quite a dull trailer.
So overall, I am impressed with the idea – but I think it could be done so much better to give the game the promotion it deserves.
Lander Remix
Added: 26 April 2007
By: Dinsdale
New Lander Remix Trailer
This is an interesting article and I am glad my game has been featured on the gamemakerblog. If it wasn’t for this article I probably wouldn’t have made a new trailer. The link is now available too.