A print version of the MarkUp Game Maker magazine.
Above: Cover
Below: Double page spread, page 17 (on the right) featuring my review of Forted.
Oh alright, not really. It didn’t come through my door, but it does exist.
A source tells me that GMKing are, or were, investigating producing a printed version of MarkUp.
My personal opinion is I doubt we’ll ever see anything happen, but you never know.
Also today http://markup.gmking.org was given a new design, but no YoYoGames branding….? And wait, no, surely not – the Game Maker Affiliation Service code is also gone.
I’m not online 24/7 – I do have to sleep and go to school you know….
I waited to see if it would be out, but it was never quite finished.
Anyhow, I’ll get something written about it,… probably.
Public Life covered it agggges ago. Phil’s just slow on the uptake.
hey that’s alright, i’ll spam it on my site too if you want 🙂
I highly doubt there will ever be any serious demand, but I’d like one 😛 (just for show).
Well…as YYG and GM expands, so too might MarkUp. And maybe some day there will be demand for a printed copy.
It looks so sweet printed though. You can’t really appreciate it when looking at just a .pdf file.
Yes, were is the key word there.
The cost makes it unviable when someone is always going to be able to knock up a free pdf.
Heh, very nice, I was gona do this to just to have one w/ my trig article, but the printing services around my area are awefull (or way to expensive)… It’d be cool if Markup could have a print version though, I wonder if you could get enough readers off the GMC to support it? (Probably not considering they’ll all wonder where the free online copies went)
– Leif
In case phil hasn’t noticed, issue 5 is released.. and I thought I should spam it here.
“A source tells me that GMKing are, or were, investigating producing a printed version of MarkUp.”
-> “were” is the keyword.
“My personal opinion is I doubt we’ll ever see anything happen, but you never know.”
-> that makes two of us
“And wait, no, surely not – the Game Maker Affiliation Service code is also gone.”
-> soon, soon 😀