In a recent topic at the GMC Alex asks what member’s screen resolutions are.
I wasn’t sure that this really had any significance since GameMaker can be set to change the screen resolution, however as an increasing number of us now have widescreens this is obviously more important than it has been in the past.
Here are the top screen resolutions used to access gamemakerblog during the past month:
1024×768 (43.99%)
1280×1024 (19.55%)
1280×800 (9.58%)
In fourth place is the resolution I use, 1440×900, with a 6.87% share.
As for the 5 visits in the past month using the 480×272 and 240×320 resolutions I don’t know. 2 of them were from a PSP, but I’m not sure where/how the other ones occurred. I don’t know why anyone would access gamemakerblog on aPSP either….
How much 1680×1050? 😉
I don’t know why anyone would access any websites on a PSP… I guess just because they can.
Anyway, for your average game, there’s really no need to worry about the screen resolution.
When you’re dealing with surfaces and all kinds of effects however, there’s a big difference between 800×600 and 1280×1024.