Crimelife 2, a 3D Grand Theft Auto clone created by Sakis Rogas, has become the first game on to have been played more than 100,000 times.
Crimelife 2, which is also a YoYo Games staff pick, has been played almost twice as many times as the second most popular Game on YoYo – Sascha Swiercy’s Coaster Rider.
In an interview in issue 7 of GameMaker Tech Sakis described Crimelife as “a GTA kind game with beautiful 3-D graphics and tons of lowpoly models”.
Crimelife 2 is not his only successful project however, with the original Crimelife and Super Smash Battle 3D also featuring in the 20 most played games.
I liked the game,but I do not like the run system at all.
This game suffers of kryptonite fog.
Congratulations Sakia.
I do have to agree with Tuntis – In some way – the fog may be a bit to strong for the game. Though, I think that having it so that it draws it has the fog dissipates is good, I think that is what it does at lest.
Though, Sakis said in the interview with us (Game Maker Magazine issue 3) that in CrimeLife 3, the fog will be less dence, or something along the lines of that.
Still a good game, probably one of the best GTA clones, that has 3D is from version 3+ of GTA., made with Game Maker, so far.