- Topic at the GMC asking about the possibility of Game Maker going open source. The debate seems somehow to have turned into a discussion about the differences (or lack of) between piracy and theft. With regards to the original question NakedPaulToast puts it best as he so often does – people simply aren’t interesting in contributing to an Open Source Game Maker as can be seen by the LateralGM and Enigma projects.
- Something which will no doubt be reported in many places: The deadline for people wishing to upgrade a version of Game Maker 7 purchased in 2009 to version 8 for free is at the end the month. Surely anyone who cared about Game Maker would have done this already…
- A quick blog post about someone creating their first iPhone game using the Unity 3D game development engine.
thats epic. I may actually make an i-phone game.
No you won’t.
I found the quick blog post on iPhone development the most helpful and interesting, even though it had nothing to do with GM.