SimulatorGM is a small developing magazine that focuses on reviewing simulation games made with Game Maker. This can be any simulation from sports games, to sandbox games, to particle or spore based games.
Each issue, we pick one game or program that we enjoyed the most and include it with the magazine. You can read the review, and try it out for yourself immediately. Don’t worry, we ask the creator of the game first before distributing the software – if its your game we want, you’ll be asked via PM.
Unlike some of the larger Game Maker magazines, SimulatorGM is currently released on no specific date – subject to change in the future. Another factor that separates SimulatorGM from other magazines is that its run by just 1 person. Expect consistent reviews.
– Issue 1 of Simulator GM
The first issue of SimulatorGM contains 14 pages, comprising of 6 short simulator game reviews, brief mentions of the other Game Maker magazines and a section entitled ‘Random News’. Rather bizarrely no download links for the games featured are given until the final page of the magazine and the target of this magazine seems just too-specific to ensure the magazines long-term future. This is however a considerably better effort than the first issues produced by many Game Maker magazines.
this is pretty sweeet.