The GM race have announced that the top 20 games in their competition will now earn their creators a prize – a free copy of the game Akuchizoku. The five finalist will each receive a 1GB USB memory stick and the winner receives a domain name, hosting and 2 free games as well. Yet more reasons to enter the biggest Game Maker competition currently out there.
The biggest criticism that the competition has faced so far is that the time period programmers have to make their game is too short. And with that period being just a month from the 15th October launch I think I have to agree. Especially at a time when many Game Maker users will be be back at school following summer. If only the competition was launched 3 months earlier! I’m not sure what the uptake of the competition will be, but I fear it may be quite low considering the short development time.
I’m glad to see that more people are getting behind this Game Maker Tech and MarkUp project, hopefully if successful we will see other competitions springing up which will help promote the use of Game Maker.
I wish I could get in on some of the prizes 🙁
The short time is one of the main ideas behind the competition. It keeps the curve steep between good programmers are ‘less good’ programmers. It also is why the competition is called a ‘race’ – surely though, that could drive away some demand but we’re okay with it.
In terms of demand on the competition, it is actually surprisingly well, and I’m hoping for more soon.