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Things Garion hates about gamemaker

Garion’s first blog post in 2007 consisted of ten things he disliked about Game Maker Version 7.0 and the Game Maker Community.

Many of the points I consider to be valid such as the intensive memory usage which gamemaker requires and the large minimum file size for the simplest of games which Garion demonstrates by creating a game consisting of a single grey screen which came to 2.19MB.

Garion disabled comments after a barrage of abuse after expressing his own opinions on his own blog. I quite agree that everyone has a right to their opinion, but I also believe that Garion should not come under abuse simply because of his beliefs about gamemaker. Honestly people, calm down. Gamemaker is not a matter of life or death (awaiting comments saying no, it’s more important).

What do you think?


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  1. It is very bad move for Mark to join with Yoyo. He is going to commercialization while everything else is moving towards open source. GM 7.0 is a step backwards.

  2. I duno if that Stencyl thing will be any good… I looked through the site a bit, and I dought it will be anywhere near as expansive as GM… (GML is quite a scripting language, it’ll be a tough act to follow).

    Oh well, I prefer more low level languages like C++ anyways, GML is nice, but it’s still just a scripting language in the end. (Better for testing and debugging I say)

    – Leif

  3. You’re paying for the program, not for the extensions. The DLL feature has been only for registered users every since he started selling Game Maker. It is nothing like the example you give as there are 100s of other codes and features you unlock when you register. One thing you need to learn is that things in life aren’t free.

  4. Ok, wtf? How on earth does not much time make you greedy?

    The fact that you get someone else to code your plugins, but in order to use other peoples, you must pay him 20 dollars.

    It would be like me creating WordPress, and allowing anyone to create plugins, but only those who payed me for a license can actually use them in a live environment. I never made the plugin, but in order to use them, you need to pay for it

    Its not very fair in my eyes

  5. “I am calling Mark Greedy because he has said “That he no longer finds the time to work on Game Maker”, which at the time (before Yoyo was announced) meant that the only major change in Game Maker 7 was the extensions packages, which basically meant that we had to create Game Makers future by writing these Packages while people still payed Mark to get the full version.”
    Ok, wtf? How on earth does not much time make you greedy?

    “GM7 is a bit of a Rip off. You wait 3 or so Years to find the only real changes are room transitions.”
    How does it make it a rip-off… HELLO!!!! Is he charging more for the update? NO! Don’t be ridiculas, he like other people that work fulltime don’t have time to work on it 24/7 sorry guys! There is a lot involved with Game Maker and if you can’t appreciate it then good luck finding somethign does does what it does, and does it well. Stencyl will be years behind Game Maker and will not be a feature rich for another 2-3 years after it’s finished.

    I don’t mean to get fired up about this, but I just think you should realise and appreciate what the program has done to make programming accessible for users of all walks of life.

  6. Sorry didn’t want to make any assumptions that would come back to haunt me(!) 😉
    And thanks for the link!

  7. Wow! I didn’t realise anyone read my blog, let alone take the time to write about it! I’d also like to clear up that I am male, and not female.

    Jassinc – I am calling Mark Greedy because he has said “That he no longer finds the time to work on Game Maker”, which at the time (before Yoyo was announced) meant that the only major change in Game Maker 7 was the extensions packages, which basically meant that we had to create Game Makers future by writing these Packages while people still payed Mark to get the full version.

    Stencyl looks really good – especially being compatible with Linux and Mac. Do you know if you’ll need java to play the compiled exes? ‘Cause I’ve just found a new Game Maker program!

    Oh and BTW – I’ve put a link to your site in my blogroll just for taking the time to write about my post


  8. Thanks for the Stencyl link! Looks like it is going to be able to run on mac! (at least from what I can gather, it doesn’t really say it officially anywhere) But I don’t think Game Maker will look like a commercial rip-off. It is a great program, and if I didn’t switch to mac I would still use it everyday. Just like every programming language, each has it’s pros and cons. And we won’t know until StencylWorks is released which one is “better”.

  9. I paid $20 ($35 Australian or something) back in the 5.3 days and that’s all I’ve had to pay. I have had full use of the program since then.

    I paid a similar price when registration first came out and my registration has applied for all future versions, something which is actually quite a rare occurance, go Mark! 🙂

  10. Jassinc, yeah, Stencyl will have a Java based editor and engine for Mac and *nix, and will compile to .exe for Windows.


  11. What on earth is wrong with this guy?

    “I am very disappointed at this release and consider Mark to be very greedy”

    Ok, so the way this guy see’s things is that if you spend years making something, you shouldn’t see any financial benefits…

    I don’t get where he’s coming from. A program like Game Maker takes years of hard work to make. It doesn’t just magically work and it’s certainly not made with drag and drop like Game Makers interface. As Mark said Game Makers coding consists of over 40,000 lines of code! Now let put that in proportion. lets say he did 50 lines of code each day – which is probably what he did (even less) considering you have to code – test – recode – retest. That would have been 800 days of coding, or 2 and a half years. I mean honestly, if I did 2 and a half years work on something I’d be hoping to make millions, not the tiny amount of money Mark probably earns from Game Maker.

    I don’t understand why he has such a problem. I started to try and learn other programming languages recently and all it has done is built huge respect for Game Maker and ease involved with making advanced applications and games.

    Having said all that I’m a mac man now so I only do PHP at the moment. I would love for something similar to jump on the market for the mac platform. The closest we have is the multi-platform torque which is 100times slower than game-maker and costs $99. Id’ much prefer to pay the $20 Mark and now his group is asking for.

    Because really, all this guy was whinging about was how you have to pay $20 for Game Maker and it’s not free. I paid $20 ($35 Australian or something) back in the 5.3 days and that’s all I’ve had to pay. I have had full use of the program since then. I’m not going to complain about that – that’s less than 2 hours work for me (although was just over 3 hours work for me back then).

    I don’t understand this guy. One this he needs to learn is nothing in life comes for free. Mark and his team need to make a living just like everyone else. And a part of that living is game maker.

    That is all.

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