
GMTV Title Sequence

Danny has released a video showing the evolution of the introduction sequence. Not something I was expecting. It’s all well and good making this video which I suppose could be of interest to GMTV enthusiasts, but with only two full episodes made I can’t help but feel this was released a year too early and perhaps the focus should have been put on producing the third episode.

That said creating new content is hard. I haven’t added anything new to for a good few months. Switching to WordPress is about all that has happened there this year.

What do you think?


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  1. You could also set something up like Firefox did a while back. There was another company called Firefox, so they decided to share the domain When you went there it would ask you which website you were looking for.. FF the browser or FF the other company.

  2. @phil – You made a slight typo in your comment – Also I suggested you should lease it out, kinda like what I am doing with another one of my domains, but I am doing it for gree, i advise some form of monthly payment, since the ‘dashes’ in the TLD are working for them, it just makes it harder to remember, and most people end up just typing

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