The GMC is looking distinctly green.
Here is a quick comparison conducted between the ‘old’ GMC (on 16th March) and the recently updated YoYo Games styled version (today).
I am unable to find the option to revert back to the old version which I remember an administrator stating would probably remain.
I believe the “old” GMC imported the skin’s style sheet while the new skin’s style is included in every page. What’s the deal with that?
The reason it loads faster is it’s based off the new optimized skin for the newest version of IPB. If they modified the old IPB default skin it wouldn’t make as much of a difference.
There was a like 5 skins at the test site ( until I posted the URL on Sandy’s glog and he changed mydunspace.
Chronic has pretty much said that there wont be a skin changer.
You can view the post here –
They’re still working on it, the theme thing will prolly come up sometime.
It’s taking ” 26.1729 sec ” for me to view pages, according to the sites own timer at the bottom. I suspect it’s because of the additional traffic.