
GMC Malware free

The malware which had been inserted into the forum template at YoYo Games’ Game Maker Community via an iframe was finally removed yesterday.

Today GMC administrator Chronic announced that an encoded and harder to spot link to the virus had also been removed.

And for those of you that disagreed with my critisicm of the YoYo Games blog and said people moaned when they posted and moaned when they didn’t – yes I am moaning. Where is the post from YYG informing users of the malware that infected their site or the fact that it has since been removed?

Update: Malware Returns

What do you think?


  1. One thing at a time. They sorted the problem, they will probably get around to posting about it when they have time. Give them a chance to do things.

  2. Yes thats what they said to at the Dutch GMC where i’m holding a topic up to date about this.
    However its weird because I did not visit the site after 12:00. Only at around 19:30 GMT+1 when there already was a topic here that the virus got removed.

    Anyway I cleared my cache. Btw I see you removed a part of my comment. ^^

    (LINK TO IMAGE). I got a pop-up to download some plugin under the name of “microsoft”.
    Seems like the iFrame is back.

    Yoyogames hasn’t posted anything about this/confirmed that the GMC is free. Google does say the site has no virusses anymore, but I dont trust that.

  4. “Where is the post from YYG informing users of the malware that infected their site or the fact that it has since been removed?”

    Funnily enough, I was just thinking that. I dunno, maybe tips on how to make puzzle games ARE more important than users’ PCs.

Malware attack at the GMC

GMC malware drama continues