They were requested for 2007, so here they are for 2008 – the most popular posts of the year on GameMaker Blog.
Most discussed posts (comments this year):
- Prodigy GM gone for good? (51 comments) – “Everyone’s favourite” GameMaker site appeared to be gone. It didn’t last.
- YoYo host GameMaker 7 Pro Crack (44 this year) – YoYo Games resources section enabled someone to upload a crack for their software.
- Why I dislike GMFetch (41) – You didn’t all agree with me.
- GameMaker Scope reaches a new level of professionality (27) – Airing dirty laundry in public.
- Not using a cracked version, honest (25 this year)
Most viewed posts this year:
- YoYo host GameMaker 7 Pro Crack
- Not using a cracked version, honest
- Sandy Speaks: GameMaker 8 in 2009
- YoYo doesn’t care about piracy of GameMaker
- On Decompilers
- Open source GameMaker
- GameMaker on Linux
- GameMaker Instant Play Decompiler
“Why I dislike GMFetch (41) — You didn’t all agree with me.”
That was awesome publicity.
Haha, some good times eh? 😀
Yah, the fights on this blog are always a fun read.
Cracks and decompilers dominate the top-viewed, once more….
You guys get into some crazy fights ’round here. Peace.
Feels good I have one of the most discussed 😛