KC LC recently announced the retirement of a GMC administrator, Damaged . Damaged was the second user to register on the GMC right after Mark Overmars and has been around since the community was born. Damaged is now classified as a new category: “Retired Staff” along with all of the other retired staff.
in GMC
Yeah that one I already know. I was expecting some hidden news I missed in the forums maybe (I don’t visit much since I am using some other engine/tool).
Somehow it is starting to feel like that GM8 will be nothing but a dissapointment for Windows users (portability is nice but what about speed improvements and moving into current Vista x64 world as well?). Just shocking how YoYo does the work for a company that has so many people waiting for their software.
(answer given sometime around September 2008 in GMTech 14)
Great. Any news on Game Maker 8. Did someone stab YoYo stab to death or they just got bored and only the janitor is working on everything in his spare time?
Yay for the new member type.
Good, people like Damaged deserve a title.