Why is it that ever since GM got on the YoYo train, the GMC started getting a sudden flood of an average of 5 (this is a Probably Not CorrectTM
statistic) complaint and/or problem topics a day? It’s just whining of Softwrap, issues with their (ugh) Rails powered website or just general complaining?
Come to think of it, what good has YoYo done? Surely they’ve funded the project and all, but for the general community, all they’ve done is set up some horrible attempt at a “game making portal” (yoyogames.com for the clueless) and caused a lot of problems for people with Softwrap. Not to mention killing GM Showcase.
Heated comments argument, go.
In other news, somebody updated WordPress, and I expect a lot of tagging goodness sometime soon! Yay!
Garion, I doubt whether 64Digits has a good potential to beat YoYo Games. If 64Digits ever introduces InstantPlay, it will probably violate GM’s licence. Furthermore, 64Digits will never be able to place advertisements inside the Game Maker IDE.
5th time i got reverted was today.
YoYo are a mess. And until they face some serious competition it doesn’t look like anything will change. Softwrap must have been a nightmare for all involved judging from the number of complaints and questions on the GMC. That said it worked fine for me.
I agree that they’re off to a rough start (Softwrap just isn’t worth it, you waste more money on tech support than you lost from piracy before), but I think having GM managed by a team rather than an individual will have great benefits in the future, already we see GM being ported to Mac and the runner being re-written in C++. I think good will come of it all in the near future.
– Leif
64 can’t beat YYG if they stayed as they are.. its not about finding the right audience only, but shifting their focus a bit.. from a ‘portal’ like YYG.com, to something else. Blogs are member pages aren’t enough.
I think its time 64 digits stepped up to the plate. It has a good potential to beat Yoyo Games, they just need to find the right audience