Game Maker 7 for Mac has been released for sale at the new YoYo Games app store. The free version offers all the features available in the full version but has a 10 hour usage limit. Upgrading via the App Store will normally cost $25 but until September 1st the price is reduced to $20.
Download Game Maker for Mac
One feature in Game Maker for Mac has which has yet to be added to the PC version is a built-in automatic updating system. Hopefully this will be added to the PC version soon so we can look forward to more regular updates.
The App store [our earlier thoughts] has been ready for a while but this is the first time it has been seen in public. Eventually the idea is to sell high quality Game Maker games through the website with YoYo Games earning a commission.
At the time of writing the App Store and Game Maker for Mac are yet to be integrated into the main website.
Now I just need a Mac, and then my development computer is done, away with this windows thing
Not getting an awesome windows 7 graphic workstation?
It’s stupid that they added Game Maker itself as an “App” in the Appstore. What happens when it gets lost in all the other Apps that will eventually be added? YYG will loose sales if nobody can find it..
I’m sure they’ll update their site in due time.
The App Store is a good idea. It will be nice to finally see GOOD Game Maker games all in one area. However, it’s rare for me to see a Game Maker game that I would actually spend money on.
Man, they really phoned it in with the help file. Repeated mentions of needing “Pro” version for some features and a section on upgrading from “Lite” (with the wrong price, if that’s even relevant). In other words, it’s the GM7 help file with no apparent changes. Best of all, a web link to purchase GM8 for Windows. How many poor Mac users are going to end up doing that because YoYo can’t be arsed to target their help file to its platform?
Well, I guess you can’t technically purchase it without running it, so at least there shouldn’t be any money lost. Still, it’s incredibly sloppy to have the link, and to never indicate on the download page that it is for Windows only.
Mac version still very buggy. The games crash on startup when assigning custom .icns files. At least that’s what happens to me.
@SunnyKatt, if you hate Macs, why do you have one? Or do you have a friend who has a Mac, or how do you plan on porting the game?
Because I’m required to port my game to the mac, I’ll be using a hackintosh. 😉
I’ve used them extensively over the years and have no desire to buy one of those polished hunk-o-junk’s.
Well one things for sure, if they are interested then the’ll buy it. And if anyone here wants to say “I’m a Mac user and I’m poor/money conservative” then you shouldn’t have bought a Mac in the first place.
Urgh… The App store. I know this is YoYo Games, but urgh.
Fantastic, now hopefully Game Maker gets the huge Mac audience it deserves.
Unfortunately I’ll have to end up buying it regardless of my hate for macs because I need to make a mac-compatible version of my game. 🙁
Urgh… The time limit. I know this is YoYo Games, but urgh.
Oh, that’s nice. I’ll port my games as soon as possible. The App Store looks promising too, although I don’t know if there’s going to be a good number of buyers.
On a side note it’s also cool seeing NAL’s games being ported to Mac on the screenshots. 😀
Actually that reminds me we have an unpublished article about the making of madnessMADNESSmadness